Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer Slump

What a busy month -- VERY busy last 4 weeks or so. I have been absent and have oh, so much to catch up on. I have been trying to work more into my diet with Braeden -- with no success. We trialed wheat and corn again, both failed... but Im not giving up! We will try again. I did manage to eat Tilapia. Made some with olive oil and a lemon pepper seasoning. Delish and no issues for Braeden to speak of! Win for team K!

We also tried solid food again... epic fail. His digestive system is all sorts of messed up and anything out of the norm really gets it going, and in a bad way. I put him on probiotics starting this past Monday... fingers crossed it helps him.

I just wanted to quickly touch on a topic those of us in the allergy field are familiar with. Joel Stein. He wrote a column in 2009 regarding nuts... peanuts and allergies. He basically indicated that families of food allergic kids are over-reactive and it is all in their heads. He NOW has a 1 year old with a life threatening peanut allergy.

Here is a link to the article from 2009:

And the new article is in Time Magazine. :)

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